Sunday, November 28, 2021

I Know It's Been A While

 Oh my poor neglected blog.  Things have been a little more than just busy around here.  A few family members have some health issues, and my time for extra things has been cut.  I am not complaining.  I'm very grateful that I can spend my time with my family.  Please pray for complete healing for all.  

I was online making our family Christmas card and I thought I would pop on this blog to give an update.

Oldest is back in college.  Well, he was home last weekend and this weekend for Thanksgiving, but he's been back in college for the most part.

Middle son is plodding along with senior year.  All colleges of his choice have been applied to.  Now we just wait to see where he's accepted and which one he chooses.  All are good choices so he can't go wrong.

The little is moving through 3rd grade.  He finished up flag football and now has moved on to wrestling.

Halloween was fun.  We did the fire pit at the bottom of the driveway again.  And thanks to having several houses of new neighbors, we got more Trick or Treaters this year.  I'm glad we have so many young families in the neighborhood.

Thanksgiving was a blessing.  Our family along with Grandma and Papa had a nice Thanksgiving dinner with all the usual fare.  This year we did two turkeys again.  One my husband fried one, and I baked the other one inside.  Both were good, but the fried turkey was the bigger hit.  

All the indoor Christmas decorations are up.  I worked so hard on Friday, that I thought I might just pass out Friday night.  I finished the inside on Saturday, and did a few things outdoors.  I need to finish the outside, but I will work on that this week.  

Most of my shopping is done, but I still have a couple of things to buy for our family.  And then there's the nieces and nephews.  I will get that all done within the next 2 weeks.

I'm trying to get as much done as possible before the week of December 13.  A family member may be having surgery that week and that is where all of my energy will go after that.  Being organized and time efficient is taking on a whole new meaning this year.  

I'm not stressing about the holidays.  Everything will work out.  

Since I use this blog as my online diary, I do hope to come back on here more on a more consistent basis.  Plus it satisfies some of my need for a creative outlet.

The roasted turkey

Christmas Decorating: Using What YOU Have and Leaving The FOMO Behind

photo from Decorators Warehouse  I love decorating for Christmas.  You know that.  And usually I'm ok with my decorations.  Could I have...