Monday, September 24, 2018

There's a Time to be Girly

I live in a house with all men, but I'm really a girly girl.  I always have been.  I love all things girly, but I really spend much of my time doing more things that interest the boys.  I will say, that they know how much I love the Nutcracker and the past two years they were kind enough to take me for my birthday.  But last year the 3 younger men let me know what a sacrifice it is for them to sit through it, so I asked that last year be the final year that all 5 of us go.  Not that the Nutcracker is particularly girly, but to my guys it most certainly is.

I don't mind attending sporting events with them.  I'm a Cleveland Indians fan, so I really enjoy going to the games.  I AM NOT A BROWNS FAN.  I'm a Pittsburgh Steelers fan so I do not need nor want to go to a Browns game.  But I have been to a Browns a game with my husband for business and lived to tell the tale.  I really like hockey and I hope we can take our little guy to a Monsters game this year.  And of course I like attending any sporting event where my children are involved.

But being in a house full of men doesn't give me much of a chance to do all the other things that I enjoy.

This past weekend was my mother in laws birthday and she was coming here to watch my oldest play football and then spend the afternoon with us celebrating her birthday.  My husband also had some tickets to a Cleveland Indians autograph session and lo and behold my husband, 2 of my boys, and my nephew decided to attend that.  That left me coming up with a way to celebrate my mother in laws birthday with my sister in law and niece.

Let's just say that I capitalized on that opportunity and made it a girls day.  There is a Victorian tea room not far from here and I thought that having an afternoon tea might be relaxing and something different from what we normally do.  And it turned out to be a lovely afternoon.

I love all things Victorian.  I love Victorian architecture and Victorian style of clothing.  I've read enough books about that time in history to realize that it wasn't all romance and beauty but I'm fine with blocking out the bad parts and romanticizing the rest of it.  The tea house itself was just beautiful.  And the tea and food was delicious.  It turned out to be such a nice afternoon.  And it reminded me that I need to do more girly things or more things that I'M interested in.  It doesn't always have to be about the boys.

Now there were couples at the tea house enjoying an afternoon.  But my guys would not be up for that, and that's ok. We don't have to spend every waking minute together.

I'm glad that the tea house crossed my mind and that we made it happen.  We all had a nice time relaxing that celebrating my mother in law.  It took me 5 years to get there.  It definitely won't take me 5 years to go back.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


I remember this day like it was yesterday.  I still end up in tears and find it hard to breathe just thinking about it.  I hope I never forget, and I hope that America never forgets all the lives lost, all the sacrifices made that day, the bravery of the first responders, the pain of the families and the survivors, the fear, and the way we all came together and became one people that day regardless of color, ethnicity, religion or politics. 

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Feeling Autumn

Leave it to Ohio to have a 40 degree temperature differential in one week.  Last week it was 95 degrees and we were at the Cleveland Indians game with family.  I took a seat in the sun so that the smaller children and those more advanced in age could be in the shade.  At one point I thought I might be getting heat stroke and had to spend the majority of the game in the clubhouse sitting in the air conditioning.  Forward to this weekend and it's 57 degrees and rainy.  Late summer is a roller coaster ride here in Ohio.  It's supposed to get back up into the 80's at the end of this week.  I don't mind this at all.  It gives me the best of both worlds.  I love summer but I love Autumn even a little more.  There's nothing like a cool, sunny day or sitting by the fire in the evening wearing a cozy sweater and sipping a hot cup of tea.

The cooler temperatures of the last few days have propelled me into the mood for a little autumn.  It's cooler, yet rainy, so doing anything outside does not sound appealing to me.  While I'm not completely ready to say good bye to summer, I am ready to start welcoming autumn. 

I've started transitioning the house from the red, white, and blue that I love in summer time to the beautiful yellow, orange, and red of fall. 

I've been lighting candles again!  I love candles and I'm really not home enough during the week to light them so on the weekends, I try to light them first thing in the morning and let them go until evening.  I had a big stash of my favorite candles, but I went through most of them last year.  I need to get some replacements, but I've been checking some new (to me) brands and trying so see what scents will take us through fall and winter.

I still have my red, white, and blue garland around my front door, but I did change out my wreath.

I also took down my patriotic door decorations and put up ones that are more for fall.

My foyer table vignette is starting to transition also.

Some of my mums came back this year, but not all.  When it's sunny and warmer later in the week, I'm hoping to have time to get to the local farm so I can start planting more.

I think the tree in the back feels a little like I do.  It's still very green but there are signs of red starting to show up.

Many of the trees in the woods behind our house have started to yellow.  They tend to lose their leaves early.

Thanks to the rain, I'm not sure that the steaks I had been planning on putting on the grill today will happen.  I'm now wishing I would have planned some chili.  But if not today, then tomorrow.  It's a good thing that I menu plan every week so that I have back up meals available.  But for now, I'm just going to enjoy my tea, the cozy day in doors, a little football, and catch up on my reading.

Happy Sunday!!

Christmas Decorating: Using What YOU Have and Leaving The FOMO Behind

photo from Decorators Warehouse  I love decorating for Christmas.  You know that.  And usually I'm ok with my decorations.  Could I have...