Friday, March 13, 2020

Unprecidented Times

Well, I've been crafting a blog post in my head for weeks.  I was going to tell you about how I'm preparing for Lent.  I was going to post pictures of my Lenten tree or our Lenten table.  I was going to tell you what I was reading and what I think about it.  But I've been busy.  And while I construct blog posts in my head.  I don't actually put them here.

But in light of the Corona virus, it all seems to so mundane and nonsensical.  I'm not terrified and I'm not hording toilet paper (although I bought some today).  But I am concerned and I'm praying because I'm not sure too many of us in our time have had this type of situation happen to us.

Yes, I was 31 and pregnant during September 11 and I remember all of it vividly.  I will never forget that day.  It was horrific and terrifying.  This is different though.  It doesn't just affect the U.S., it affects the entire world.

I honestly don't know what to think.  I'm following the CDC.  I have doctor friends and actual doctors of my son sharing information.

Obviously school is out and we will be staying home and social distancing.  It's not easy with active teens, but I'm not bending on that issue.

I still plan on attending mass on Sundays.  I need the Lord right now more than ever.  Missing mass seems so wrong to me.  But I'm not sure about Easter mass.  It's usually so crowded and there is barely room to breathe.  That one I have to seriously think through.  I can't imagine missing Easter mass, but right now, I can't imagine going either.

I'm not so concerned about myself.  I'm concerned about my immunocompromised son.  He has barely controlled asthma.  He's my main concern at the moment.  I'm also concerned for my immunocompromised parents.  I wish they would self-isolate.  But I know they can't.

So stay safe my friends.  I'm praying for you and for all of us.  Maybe I'll do a Lenten post at a later date.  But right now these are unprecedented times.  And I'm at a loss for words, a loss for what to do.  All I have is prayer.

Corona Virus information from the CDC

Social Distancing Fact Sheet

Corona Virus Prayers from Finer Femininity

How to pray the rosary

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