Monday, August 21, 2023

2023/2024 School Year

 The newly minted 11 year old started school last Wednesday.  He was none too happy about it, but so far he is adjusting ok.  We had grandparents over on Saturday, and we took school friends to the lake yesterday to celebrate his birthday.  It was a beautiful day and I think the boys had a good time.

The big boys go back to college this week.  The oldest is leaving Thursday and the middle will go back on Saturday.  I'm going to miss having them home.  It's not the same without them.  But they have to go and do their thing. Sometimes having big kids is even harder than having little kids.  There tends to be more "pain" involved.  They need you a lot less and there is more coming and going with more going than coming.  No one tells this part about being a parent.  You get tons of advice and stories when you have babies and toddlers, but as they get older the sage advice wears off and people don't share as much information.  And as a parent, you know this time is coming, and even though you brace yourself for it, it comes so fast that you ultimately feel unprepared for it.  This if life.  And all parents go through it.  And some days are easier to let your big kids go more than others.

Sunday in church, there was a small child (I'm thinking toddler but I didn't actually see him) and all through the consecration he was making a loud groaning noise.  It was coming from behind me in the back of the church.  It almost sounded like he was just over mass and was letting out these loud guttural sounds in protest.  I couldn't help but smile because I wondered if that is how I sound to God every time I protest against something he is asking me to do, or asking me not to do and it goes against what I actually want.  Do I sound like this child protesting because I'm not getting my way?  I bet that is exactly how I sound.  So this week when the boys leave, I'm going to put on a big smile, and a bright cheery attitude and thank God for giving me these big kids, and be thankful that I am sending them out into the world and I pray that they are bringing God to others.  I promise I will not groan in protest because I'd rather keep them little and keep them home with me.  I will not promise, however, that I won't ugly cry on the way home after I drop them off.  I am human, after all. 

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