Friday, February 5, 2021

What I Read In January (and am still reading)

 I'm trying to increase my reading this year.  Last year I read 25 books and I told Good Reads that I also want to read 25 this year.  But in reality, I'd like to read more.  But somehow, life just gets too busy.  I really need to set aside some reading time every day.  I try to do it before bed, but I usually get 3-4 pages in and then fall asleep.  

Some of the books on my list aren't meant to be finished in January.  One will last all winter and one will last all year.  But I'm including them here since I started them in January.

Meditations For Advent  by Jacques Benigne Bossuet:  Yes, that's right Advent.  Which has been over for a while now.  I started off strong with my Advent reading but when things went into the Christmas crunch, I fell off the wagon.  I really enjoyed this book and didn't want to NOT finish it, so I just kept on going.

Lectio Divina of the Gospels 2020-2021  This is the one that will last all year.  I've always been interested in Lectio Divina but I wasn't sure where to start.  I love that it covers the Gospels for the entire year.  After this, I hope to have a better understanding of Lectio Divina and can apply it to my other Bible reading.

Winter Meditations  by John Bartunek:  If you fish around my blog, you will see that I have read this before (2-3 times).  I have all the seasonal meditation books by John Bartunek and I enjoy every one of them.  But I read the Winter one more often because my least favorite season is Winter and it gives me a perspective of this season through God.  It's hard to dislike something when you can view it through a God lens.

Little House on the Prairie  by Laura Ingalls Wilder :  I took this one out of our library via audio book and I listened to it with the 8 year old.  He really enjoyed it.  He's asked to listen to Little House in the Big Woods next.  Look for that in an upcoming "what I read" list.

Clean Mama's Guide to a Peaceful Home by Becky Rapinchuk:  I follow Clean Mama on Instagram and I really like her cleaning philosophy and tips.  I thought I would find this book helpful.  A lot of the information can be gotten from her Instagram or website, but there are things that I either missed or needed to see again.  I also like the way she breaks down the organizing tips by room.  It makes it easier for me and I can go back and revisit her advice when things start getting out of control again.

So that was January reading.  I have my Lenten reading all ready to go.  And I promise to try very hard to actually read it during Lent and not Lent and beyond.

The Anti-Mary Exposed by Carrie Gress.  I had heard of this book, but never really looked into it. But it was censored by Facebook and Instagram so that made me think that there is something here that I really need to check out.

Lent and Easter Wisdom from G.K. Chesterton :  This is more of a traditional Lenten reading than the other book I chose.  I've been intrigued by Chesterton, but haven't delved into anything of his because I'm intimidated.  I hope this gives me more insight into Chesterton and maybe I won't be so apprehensive about it.  

What I'm Listening To:  The Bible In A Year podcast with Fr. Mike Schmizt :  You guys.  I am LOVING this podcast.  LOVING IT.  He reads a section or sections of the Bible every day and then gives insight and explanations for what is happening and why it is happening and how everything ties together.  I think today was day 35, but it's not too late to start.  You can either listen to a couple a day to catch up or start at day 1 today and use February 5 to February 5 as your year.  I can not say enough good things about this podcast.  It is truly blessing me.  

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