Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Hi. It's me.

 Has my last post really been since December?

Since then we've had birthdays, and holidays and one son graduate from college.  We have played basketball and baseball (still).

Everyone is good.  Things are going well.  

I hoped to get back on here and keep updating as this has become a diary of my life, but sometimes life just gets busy.

Yes, one son graduated from college.  I can't believe it.  I started my first blog when he was 4 years old.  And now he's 22.  He's back home and looking for a job (the job market is tough!).  The middle is 20 years old and will be a junior in college in the fall.  And the youngest will be 12 next month and starts middle school in the fall.  I'm not sure how all that is possible since I'm only 30... lol.  Some days I feel 30, some days I feel 80.

Having all 3 home is a blessing.  But also has it's challenges.  It's not easy having all these adults living under one roof.  But I wouldn't have it any other way.  I'm treasuring these times together because I know they are fleeting.  

This is a quick "I'm still here" post.  I promise myself that I will get on here more often.  


Friday, November 24, 2023

Christmas Decorating: Using What YOU Have and Leaving The FOMO Behind

photo from Decorators Warehouse

 I love decorating for Christmas.  You know that.  And usually I'm ok with my decorations.  Could I have more?  Sure....  Could some use updating?  Sure...  But this year, I started to get envious of other peoples decorations.  

YouTube is Great!  I love it.  I love it for exercise, for recipes, for decorating tips, and more.  I get inspiration from so many wonderful YouTubers.  But I noticed something.  I found some interior designers that were decorating for Christmas.  And oh boy, was it ever beautiful.  Then I started getting FOMO, also known as the fear of missing out.  

My decorations are not elaborate and they don't really match or "flow" from room to room.  My garland is sad looking.  I have a lot of "character" decorations that might not look very sophisticated.  My mind started to race on how I could correct this faux pas.  It seems that across the board with YouTube influencers, things are more glamorous  this year for decorating.  Trends are more minimal yet very grand looking.  I need new garland.  And I need large gold deer.  And I need white fluffy blankets.  I basically need all new stuff, because I don't have any of those things.

So I started to fill my Amazon cart with Christmas essentials.  And I looked at Michael's and Hobby Lobby to see what they had.  And I made a plan to do a tour of antique stores in the area to see what I could gather up to make it a very merry and glamorous Christmas.  Clearly, my stuff is not on trend.  And this needed to be fixed NOW.

Luckily I took a deep breath before checking out on my Amazon cart.  And I was actually too busy to go to any stores.  Did I really want to drop several hundred dollars on new decorations?

Yes.  Yes I did.  

But was that the best use of our family's finances?  No.  It is definitely not the best use of our family's finances.  

And let's face it, my reasons for wanting all new Christmas decorations aren't rooted in reality at all either.  What will next years trends be?  Will I like those too?  Will I need all new stuff again?  I do not have the room to store all these decorations, even if I did spend the money on them.  That would mean that something would have to go,  and was I willing to give up our decorations that have sweet family memories attached to them?  Would my family be ok with that?

It's so easy to see what other people have or are doing on social media and want it for yourself.  It all looks so wonderful.  And it's easy to forget that these people are making money off of it and most of the things they buy are written as a business expense or were given to them to influence us to purchase from a particular store or online retailer.  I am not a business nor am I an influencer and no one is going to "give" me anything.  I have to learn to watch these videos with appreciation, and not envy.  People who celebrate Christmas want their homes to look festive and cozy.  But that has NOTHING to do with the real reason we are celebrating Christmas.  And because all of this Christmas decorating starts earlier and earlier every year, there is more time to get anxious about what we have, what design aesthetic we are going for, and it gives us more time to spend, spend, spend.  When my parents were young, most people didn't decorate their homes or trees until Christmas Eve.  We have moved far past that tradition. One lady I watched (whose decorating was spectacular) started to decorate in September.  She decorated every room on her main level and changes out rugs, artwork, and furniture to match each years theme.  But she clarified that by saying that this is "her job".  This is not my job.  Trust me, no one would hire me to decorate anything... lol.

I stopped watching that particular YouTuber.  Even though her style is amazing, it wasn't something that I could emulate.  And there was very little that I could take and use as tips (except maybe going forward, try to make my rooms flow better together).

If you can watch these videos or read magazines and see the beauty and leave it there, then you are ahead of the game.  If like me, you struggle with FOMO or feel envious or start coveting all the things, it may be time to mute that content until you can view it through a grateful lens and  not allow it to become toxic.  

Another person that I watch went outside to gather dried flowers, grasses, and seed pods to spruce up her garland.  So I took Daisy with me, and we went out back and did the same.  Her garland looked amazing.  Mine looks a little funky.  I'm not sure I'm going to leave it this way through the Christmas holiday, but the good news here is that it cost me nothing to mess this up.  It's not glamorous, but it did look a little better.  And it was free.  

I'm going to get my decorations out in the next few days and I'm not going to look at them like they are not good enough.  I'm going to look at them with gratitude and try to carry that gratitude into every thing I do this season.  And maybe I'll stay off of social media a bit more and just enjoy what I have right in front of me. 

Advent hasn't even started yet.  We have a long way to go, and I want Jesus to be at the center of this season.  He's the one we are actually celebrating.  That's where I need my focus to be.  The beauty of the season is HIM.

We have a lot of flooding in the back, but I was still able to gather a few things.

Daisy was just happy to be outside

Still a work in progress

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!

 The big boys are home and we are enjoying our time together.  I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Something That Has Been On My Heart

 For a few years now, I've tried to come up with something I could do for employment that would fit into my main responsibilities as a homemaker.  I know my main job is taking care of my family and I'm happy with that (and usually that alone can be overwhelming).  First, I thought being a secretary for our church would be a good option.  It's not exactly full time, but it would be a enough and I could probably work it around M's school schedule.  I'm his "bus".  I drive him to and from school since he goes to a "non-public" school.  I really hoped that the position would open up. 

In my previous life, I was employed in inside sales and marketing and at one point I was a Marketing Assistant to the Marketing Manager. My strengths are keeping things organized, helping customers, and gate keeping.   I can put together an awesome trade show complete with a customer reception. I enjoy running an office.  And not to toot my own horn, but I'm pretty good at it.

When the job finally did open up, I was very excited.  And 2 days later I got the news that a close family member was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer.  That family member was going to need me.  This was not the time to apply for work outside the home.  I believe this was God telling me "This is not the job for you".  That was 2021.

And since then, I've tried to figure out if not THAT, then WHAT?  I pray.  I put it in Gods hands.  But I do try to research things. I have Linked In alerts for jobs that would fit my qualifications.  And so far, nothing has come up that would fit my "bus" schedule or that would be flexible for family members. 

Then last week, I was feeling really down about the results of the Ohio election.  And I kept praying and asking God for peace with all of this.  And one of my prayers was "God, please tell me what you are calling me to do"?  And then it struck me.  Not like a lightening bolt, or not like anything grandiose.  I just felt Him say "Right now, I'm not calling you to do anything.  I'm just calling you".  And there it was.  As much as I would like to find work outside the home and help contribute to the finances of this family, God wants me right where I'm at, taking care of these people He gave me, and He wants me to use that to bring me closer to Him.  He's not calling me to save our church, or make more money for vacations, or become a professional outside of the home again.  He's got me where He wants me, and He wants me to grow in my relationship with Him.  "I'm not calling you to do anything".  I'm just calling you".  Took me a few years to hear that.  But I heard it.  Finally.  

Maybe some day that will change.  Or maybe it won't.  For now, I will be content with where I'm at physically, and keep trying to move forward spiritually.  

Monday, November 13, 2023

Weekly Meal Plan: Feeding the Family 11/10/23-11/16/23


Friday:  Out to Eat (M had a friend spend the night so we took them out to dinner)

Saturday:  Hot Honey Chicken Meatballs, rice, and sautéed zucchini

Sunday:  Za’tar Chicken, potatoes, and vegetable

Monday:  Pasta, salad, and rolls

Tuesday:  Turkey Tacos

Wednesday:  Mediterranean Turkey Burgers, coleslaw, and vegetables

Thursday:  Clean up day or One Pan Lemon Chicken and Potatoes 

Friday night, M had a friend spend the night and they had so much fun.  They always have a nice time together and laugh the entire time.  I love hearing the giggles.  

The rest of the weekend was just doing house work and trying to keep up with the laundry.  

This week I plan on finalizing my menu and grocery list for Thanksgiving.  And I hope to do a little Christmas shopping at the end of the week too.  

I've been watching YouTube videos on Christmas decorating.  They get me inspired.  But the problem is, all of my decorations are mismatched from over the years and I have no plans on going out and spending a fortune to replace them all.  Maybe I should start a YouTube channel on decorating with a hodgepodge.  

I would not start a YouTube channel.  I don't like being on camera, I don't have the voice for it, and I could not be that creative week after week.  But someone should start that channel!😜

Have a Blessed Week!!

Monday, November 6, 2023

Weekly Meal Plan: Feeding the Family 11/3/23- 11/09/23

 I'm keeping my fingers crossed that last week as the LAST crazy week for a while.  Things have been a little bit too busy lately.  And by too busy I mean completely crazy.  Too many commitments.  Too much to do.  I need to clone myself, because I can not do it all.  And frankly, I don't want to do it all.  But we made it and all was good.

Last Sunday was our neighborhood Halloween Trick or Treat.  We had a great time seeing all our neighbors and meeting some new ones.  We have 3+ acre lots and while it's not really that far between houses, it's far enough that we mostly wave at each other rather than interact.

Tuesday was the class Halloween party.  I think it went ok.  I have to plan our party with the other 5th grade class.  So that means I can't do everything I'd like to.  Well, I guess I could, but that wouldn't make me a very nice person.  I met with the other room mom and we decided on what to do.  I think the kids had a good time.  They seemed to have fun.

Then of course Tuesday was actual Halloween.  M wanted to go to my parents parents neighborhood to Trick or Treat since we did ours on Sunday.  My parents get 300-350 Trick or Treators every year.  It's quite the event.  Little M had a great time with his cousins.

And that night was bitter cold.  And it snowed.  I swear we went from fall to winter in one day.  Luckily for us, it's back in the 60's this week.  Y'all.  I'm not ready.

This weeks meal plan is trying to incorporate   Weight Watchers principles with Mediterranean diet principles.  This is a work in process.

Friday: Pasta e Fagioli with crusty bread

Saturday: Slow Cooker Chicken Enchiladas (from Skinny Taste)

Sunday:  Honey Mustard Pork Chops with oven roasted sweet potatoes and broccoli

Monday:  Oven roasted chicken thighs with potatoes and broccoli

Tuesday:  Tacos with beans and rice

Wednesday:  Chicken with rice and tomatoes (WW recipe)

Thursday:  Clean up for turkey meatloaves 

It's November now.  You know I'm working on Christmas.  No decorating yet, but I'm getting in the mood. I started shopping last week (on line and in person) and I have one child completely done, one child almost done, one child has yet to give me a list so he may just get money, the hubby is close to done, my parents are done, nieces/nephews are getting cash because why pay an extra fee for Visa gift cards, and I have ideas for everyone else.  

I say this every year.  But guys....this year I mean it.  I will enjoy the Advent season.  I'm going into my 54th year.  I don't have all that many years left (maybe another 50 😜).  I already have goals for the new year and one of those is taking my life back.  I'm taking control, instead of letting things control me.  I'm too old for this.  

Have a blessed week.  

Monday, October 30, 2023

Weekly Meal Plan 10/27/23 to 11/2/23: Feeding The Family

 Even though I haven't been putting my meal plans on the blog, I have still been doing them.  I don't know how to plan dinner any other way.  And if you know me, have read any of my blog posts, or have just looked at the "About Me' on my side bar, you probably know that I am constantly trying to lose weight or eat healthy.  Trying being the operative word.  Maybe "failing" would be a better fit here.  Last week I decided to go back to basics.  I know that they say that once you hit perimenopause/menopause the things that worked in the past no longer work, but for me, nothing seems to work.  I have tried it all.  So I decided to go back to what did work for me in the past which was Weight Watchers.  So for now, future menu plans will take on that theme. Will this work? I'm praying so.  The only other variable is that the first time I did Weight Watchers I was in my 20's and I was a pretty heavy smoker and I drank Diet Coke all day.  I'm now in my 50's and I no longer smoke or drink Diet Coke.   But in my 20's, I didn't exercise AT ALL and now I do.  So stay tuned to see what happens.

Friday:  Pasta Puttanesca, Salad, and Bread (for the guys)

Saturday:  Lemony Chicken Francaise, Potato, Veg (from the WW app)

Sunday:  It's our neighborhood Trick or Treat and weather permitting, we bring the fire pit to the bottom of the drive to hand out candy.  Hot Dogs and Turkey Dogs over the fire and low fat cole slaw.

Monday: Chicken Fried Rice

Tuesday: Egg Roll In A Bowl

Wednesday:  Baked Chicken Thighs, Rice, and Veg

Thursday:  Clean Up Day

In an earlier post, I said I was going to shop my freezer for next weeks meals.  The good news with WW is that everything is on plan, I just have to make sure my daily points don't go over.  I really don't want to cook one meal for me and one meal for the family.  Ain't nobody got time for that.

Hi. It's me.

 Has my last post really been since December? Since then we've had birthdays, and holidays and one son graduate from college.  We have p...