Friday, March 4, 2022

Five On Friday


5 Things that I will be doing (or not doing) for Lent 2022

1.  I will be reading Grace In Tension: Discover Peace with Martha and Mary.  The story of Martha and Mary resignates with me so much.  When I saw this book, I knew I found my Lenten reading.  I am totally a Martha, working on becoming more like Mary.

2.  I will be saying my morning prayers in bed.  Before my feet hit that floor, my prayers will be said.  That's not to say that I won't be praying throughout the day too, but if I don't say my morning prayers right away, the chaos of the morning, the news, something stupid on social media, or anything else that is not important takes my attention away and I either don't say my morning prayers or I try to fit them in later in the day sometimes to no avail.  

3.  Spring Cleaning!  I need to do this.  I started last year, but only got part of the way done.  This year, I have a plan.  I'm working in sections of the house (a room or two at a time) and I'm giving myself a few days to get each section done.  Lent is 40 days.  Why do I try to cram in all the cleaning in one week?  I started to today and I have the foyer, the downstairs powder room, and the hall to the kitchen completely done.  I also washed the walls going up the stairs and in the upstairs hallway.  That was enough for today.  I'm trying something new this year too.  I have the O-Cedar Spin Mop and I love it for my wood floors.  I follow Go Clean Co on Instagram and she recommended it.  And she uses it with hot water and 1 tsp. of powdered Tide.  I've seen people (and maybe her too??) use the same solution and mop combo to wash walls. I did that today, and folks, it was a game changer.  No up and down the ladder and it seemed to do a really good job.  I don't know if powdered Tide is safe for all wall types so you may want to do a test spot before you do an entire wall.  Our walls are painted with Sherwin Williams paint, and it worked great for us.  

4.  NO SNACKING after 7 pm.  This is a hard one for me.  But I can do it for Lent.

5.  Praying the Litany of Humility daily.

I also plan on giving more to the local food pantry.  Our budget will determine what that looks like.

So that's it.  That's what I'm doing for Lent 2022.  I think it's totally doable and I'm praying that it brings me closer to God.

What are you doing this year for Lent? 

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