Friday, September 23, 2022

Five On Friday


5 of my favorite things this week:

1.  Early morning walks outside with the puppy.  
She doesn't do well on the leash yet, so we only walk around our yard.  But we have over 3 acres and much of the yard I don't ever get to explore (especially back by the woods or the pond).  I feel like I'm experiencing my own yard for the first time, and now that the seasons are changing, there's so much new to explore.

2.  My electric tea pot.
I used one when we were on vacation, and I loved it.  It's so easy and so fast.  I found this vintage looking one on Amazon and I'm so glad that I found it. The weather has cooled down to the 50's this week (hello fall!) and I'm making a lot more tea.

3.  Fall decorations.
I put up my fall decorations.  They just make the home seem so cozy and festive.  I put up the outside Halloween decorations last weekend when it was in the 80's.  I hope to get the indoor ones put up this weekend.

4.  The library.
I have always loved the library.  Books and reading are a passion of mine. I'm interested in doing some research on a topic that interests me, and I love how I can look up online the books that I need, then put a hold on them, and have them sent from whatever library in the area they are at.  

5.  Go Clean Co's Fall Cleaning Challenge
I've got a lot of cleaning and organizing to do, and I've gotten even further behind due to the puppy.  But the challenge is motivating me to get my butt in gear and get some stuff done.  I don't expect to get it all done, but whatever I do clean/organize will be a bonus.

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