Thursday, September 8, 2022

The Summer That Flew By

 Last time I checked, it was June.  How are we here in September??  

The last thing I posted was about the graduation party.  It was nice!!  It was a ton of work.  Next time I have a graduation party, it will not be at my house.  Oh, the work involved.  But to have it at a hall or restaurant was very expensive. And I would have had it at a local park, but apparently you have to book those one to two years in advance.  I know that now.  I will not make that mistake again. But the party really did turn out nice and it was worth all the stress and sleepless nights.

Then we moved on to vacation.  I LOVE the beach.  But again, it's a lot of work to get ready for it.  We've been going so many years that I have a system.  But it doesn't happen all on its own.  I love it though.  I'd be there right now if I could.

After vacation, I had two and a half weeks to get two boys ready for college and another boy ready for 4th grade.  Even though one has been to college the last two years, he moved into an unfurnished apartment this year and it was like starting over.  And this is the other boy's freshman year.  I'm broke and I'm tired.  But they are settled and happy.

My car was loaded, and this was just one boy.  And this is a new car.  We bought a new car during those 2.5 weeks.  Because why not add more chaos in the mix? 

Got the other one off to 4th grade. So far so good there.

AND last week, we got a puppy.  Of course, right?  But the son with the allergies finished his allergy shots (and is on maintenance) and is at college so the allergist thought it would be ok.  The little guy has been begging for a dog, the doctor said it would help with his anxiety, and with both brothers leaving, we felt it was a good time.  

Yes, it's like having a baby.  Yes, it is.  We are trying to get into a routine.  As of right now, we've had her a week, and she is slowly getting settled. And I'm slowly getting settled too.  Slowly.  She sure is cute though.  Meet Daisy.

And the young one is playing tackle football this year.  So far so good there too.  He sure does love his sports.

This is the quick, abridged update for a very busy time.  I told everyone that I was hibernating during September and not to bother me.  That's not going to happen.  So maybe I'll hibernate during October.  But I doubt it.

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