Wednesday, September 28, 2022

What Do You Want To Do With Your Life?

With having the two boys in college, this question comes up a lot.  And how many 18 year olds actually know the answer to this question?

I remember being a senior in high school and having to answer this question, and not having a clue to what I was supposed to choose for a major.  One parent was pushing for medicine or law.  Those are great things and if I applied myself, I might have been able to swing one of those (but I doubt it).  I'm not someone who had an easy time in school, and I'd have to apply myself above the normal level of studying and neither of those things felt like a calling to me.  I know myself too well to know that if I'm not 100% invested in a subject, I am not going to go above and beyond to master it.  

There were a lot of subjects that I was interested in, but nothing I felt I could make a career out of.  Since I never really excelled at anything (I'm more a of a middle of the road achiever than an over achiever), I picked the one thing that I actually won an award in, and even though I had no idea what kind of job I could get with that major, I went with it.  It all worked out in the end.  I always feel like God puts you where you need to be, sometimes even in spite of yourself.  

My husband and I met at work.  Had I chosen a different major, maybe we would have never met.  Or maybe we wouldn't have met at the right time.  Everything works out the way that it should.

But even though I truly believe all of this, I feel like I'm missing something.  I feel like I should be doing something more.  But I don't know what that is.  I'm a wife and mother, and I've ALWAYS known that is what I want to do with my life.  Even as a little girl, I knew that.  And even in college when people would ask me what I planned on doing after college, I always responded that workwise I have no idea, but I hope to be a wife and mother someday. 

The last few years, I've felt like there is something else I should be doing.  Kind of a side hustle, but nothing that interferes with my main calling of wife and mother.  I'd like to bring in a little extra income.  We are fine financially, but college is expensive, and I'd like to be able to help out. But I have no idea what I want to do with my life...yes, even at the ripe old age of 52.

I pray about it.  And I ask God to show me the way.  I thought I would love to be the church secretary.  I love our church and I love running an office.  But that job wasn't open.  So, I just kept praying about it.  Then a family member was diagnosed with cancer at the same time that job opened up.  And the family member needed me more.  I took that as God's way of saying that church secretary was not the job for me.  

And I continue to pray about it.  And I don't feel like God is answering me.  But maybe that is the answer.  Maybe being wife and mother is the only thing I'm supposed to be doing right now.  Maybe that is enough right now.  We still have the little guy at home, and we have aging parents and maybe this is right where I'm meant to be.  I'm not 100% sure, so I'll keep praying on it.  And I know God will put me right where I'm meant to be.  Because he always does.  Even if I don't understand it.  Even if I think I should be somewhere else.  God knows, even if I don't.  

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